Kết bạn với người Nhật khi đi du học
Making friends in a foreign country might at first seem a bit daunting. Many schools have dorms and special student orientations for study abroad life, making it relatively easy to make friends with other study abroad students. But when it comes to befriending the regular Japanese students at one’s university, it can sometimes feel a little tricky to scale the wall.
But fear not!Japanese students can be shy, but rest assured that they’re very curious and interested in getting to know foreign students. Many Japanese students themselves are studying or majoring in foreign languages, and are curious to learn more about people’s lives and perspectives in other countries. It goes without saying that making friends with Japanese students is a great way to practice your Japanese, and also gain some insight into one another’s cultures as well.
With local friends, you can discover places frequented only by locals, not to mention gain some travel buddies for journeys around Japan!
Initiative is important, but many universities have special activities and events for Japanese students and foreign exchange students to meet and talk to one another.
At School Events & Clubs
Universities work to provide opportunities for international exchange between students, so it’s a good idea to check first with your university’s international exchange center (or similar). Even if your school doesn’t have such a center, please check with student groups—they may have some good information on such events, too! Frequently, students themselves will make school clubs or “circles” (informal school clubs) for international exchange. That’s not to say you have to join an “international exchange club” just to make friends—joining an ordinary sports-themed or culture club is a great way not only to meet people, but to meet people who might not join international exchange meetings, too.
List of International Exchange Departments at Various Kyoto Universities
School | Department | Website |
Bukkyo University | International Center | http://www.bukkyo-u.ac.jp/campuslife/international/about/ |
Doshisha University | International Student Division | http://ois.doshisha.ac.jp/ |
Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts | Division of International Affairs | http://www.dwc.doshisha.ac.jp/international_exchange/center.html |
Hanazono Univeristy | http://www.hanazono.ac.jp/ | |
St. Agnes’ University (Heian Jyogakuin University) | Cultural Creative Center | http://www.heian.ac.jp/about/bunka.html |
Kyoto Bunkyo University | http://www.kbu.ac.jp/kbu/ | |
Kyoto City University of Arts | http://www.kcua.ac.jp/international/foreignstudents/ | |
Kyoto College of Economics | International Center | http://www.kyoto-econ.ac.jp/course/course-international/ |
Kyoto University of Arts and Crafts | http://www.kyobi.ac.jp/ | |
The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics | http://www.kcg.edu/ | |
Kyoto Gakuen University | International Exchange Center | http://archive.kyotogakuen.ac.jp/international/17_4cec690737dcf/index.html |
Kyoto Institute of Technology | International Center | http://www.kit.ac.jp/international_index/ |
Kyoto Kangyo University | International Exchange Department | http://www.kyotokango.ac.jp/nursing.php |
Kyoto Koka Women’s University & College | International Exchange Center | http://www.koka.ac.jp/international/ie.html |
Kyoto Notre Dame University | International Education Department | http://www.notredame.ac.jp/international/office/ |
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University | International Exchange Center | http://www.kyoto-phu.ac.jp/education_research/kokusai/ |
Kyoto Prefectural University | Board of International Exchange | http://www.kpu.ac.jp/contents_detail.php?co=cat&frmId=1366&frmCd=24-2-0-0-0 |
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine | International Studies Exchange Center | https://www.kpu-m.ac.jp/doc/about/international.html |
Kyoto Saga University of Arts | http://www.kyoto-saga.ac.jp/en/ | |
Kyoto Sangyo University | International Exchange Center | https://www.kyoto-su.ac.jp/international/center.html |
Kyoto Seibo College | http://www.seibo.ac.jp/ | |
Kyoto Seika University | International Education Department | https://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/ie/ |
Kyoto Tachibana University | International Office | https://www.tachibana-u.ac.jp/campuslife/international/office.html |
Kyoto University | Japanese/Japanese Studies Center | http://www.ryugaku.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ |
Kyoto University of Art and Design | International Exchange Program | http://www.kyoto-art.ac.jp/art/special/international/ |
Kyoto University of Education | Kyoto University of Education Student Services Window #3 (Student Support Group) | https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/current/campus-life/student-support-services.html |
Kyoto University & Junior College of Foreign Studies | International Division | https://www.kufs.ac.jp/interchange/index.html#anchor-05 |
Kyoto Women’s University | International Exchange Center | http://www.kyoto-wu.ac.jp/daigaku/kokusai/gaikokujin.html |
Meiji University of Integrative Medicine | http://www.meiji-u.ac.jp/international | |
Otani University | GLOBAL SQUARE | http://www.otani.ac.jp/kouryu/ |
Ritsumeikan University | International Education Center, TISA, International Exchange Lounge | http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/international/intl_exchanges/ |
Ryukoku University | Global Education Advancement Center | http://intl.ryukoku.ac.jp/ |
Seibi University & Junior College | http://uv.seibi-gakuen.ac.jp/ | |
Carriere College of Hotel, Bridal & Travel Management | http://www.kyoto-carriere.ac.jp/ | |
Kyoto Career College of Foreign Languages | http://kccfl.kufs.ac.jp/ | |
Kyoto College of Nutritional & Medical Sciences | http://www.taiwa.ac.jp/ryugaku/eiyo/japanese/ | |
Kyoto Computer Gakuin | http://www.kcg.ac.jp/ | |
Kyoto Culinary Art College | http://www.kyoto-chorishi.ac.jp/ryugaku/ | |
Kyoto Institute of Design | http://www.cdc.ac.jp | |
Kyoto Pastry Art College | http://www.kyoto-seikagijyutsu.ac.jp/ryugaku/ | |
The Kyoto YMCA Japanese Language School | http://www.kyotoymca.or.jp/language/japanese/ | |
NISSAN Automobile Technical College | http://www.nissan-gakuen.ac.jp/school/kyoto/ | |
YIC Kyoto Polytechnic College | http://www.yic-kyoto.ac.jp/ | |
Academy of Kansai Language School | http://www.kansaigogen.com/index.html | |
JCL Foreign Language School | http://www.group-jcl.com/ | |
Katsugaku Shoin | http://www.katugaku/shoin | |
Kyoshin Language Academy | http://www.kla.ac/recruit/category/newsrelease/ | |
The Kyoto Center for Japanese Linguistic Studies, Kyoto Japanese Language School | http://kjls.or.jp/english/ | |
Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language | http://www.kicl.ac.jp/jp/life/ | |
Kyoto International Academy | http://www.kia-ac.jp/old/ippan.html | |
Kyoto Minsai Japanese Language School | http://www.kyotominsai.co.jp/ | |
Kyoto Reigaku International Academy | http://reigaku.jp/ | |
Nihongo Center | https://nihongo-center.com/ | |
Rakuhoku Japanese Language Academy | http://rakuhokunihongogakuen.jimdo.com/ |