
☆キャリア形成のための日本語講座/Japanese Language Course for Career Formation☆
*English follows Japanese


新型コロナウイルスの影響(えいきょう)もあり、久しぶりの対面イベントでしたが、十分に安全に配慮(はいりょ)したうえで、15人限定で開催し、京都で学ぶ留学生(りゅうがくせい)が参加しました。留学生はこの講座を通して、将来(しょうらい)、就職活動(しゅうしょく かつどう)をするときや、働くときに役立つ日本語の実践的な使い方やマナーを、今回の講師である京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学科の上田先生から学びました。また、7/17の第3回講義では京都の企業(きぎょう)ワコールから、柏木様をゲストスピーカーに迎(むか)え、キャリア形成(けいせい)についての特別講義(とくべつ こうぎ)をしていただきました。


Hello everyone. “Japanese Language Course for Career Formation” was held in four sessions from June 26th to July 31st. Those classes were all in person, which was the first time in a while due to the COVID-19, at Kyoto Campus Plaza with the clean and safe environment. It’s for only fifteen international students who are studying in universities or schools in Kyoto participated in the course and learned practical Japanese and manners for job hunting and workplaces by the lecturer, Mr. Ueda from Kyoto Koka Women’s University. Also, in the third class on July 17th, we welcomed a guest speaker Mr. Kashiwagi, from the famous company in Kyoto called Wacol and had a lecture for career formation.

By deepening engagement and exchanging information about job hunting, students enjoyed the course with a fun and friendly atmosphere. They must be anxious about job hunting in Japan, but their attitudes looked very positive after the classes with their will to work in Japan in the future.




 ・3D smart & try:https://www.wacoal.jp/smart_try/



 ・大人の工場見学 in ベトナム工場:https://www.wacoal.jp/factory/vietnam/

◆留学生就職情報ポータルサイト(Study Kyoto):



★KTA Report by Yumi, KTA Student Support Staff★
