【Study Kyoto Magazine記事紹介】京都の留学生の地域交流「枝豆収穫ツアーに参加してみた!」~International students studying in Kyoto went on a soybean harvesting tour!~
*English follows Japanese
昨年秋にKyoTomorrow Academyで実施した「秋の枝豆収穫体験ツアー」の様子が留学生スタディ京都ネットワーク(Study Kyoto)のマガジン記事でも掲載されましたのでシェアします。英語版も掲載されていますので、ぜひご覧ください!
Dear International Students including students in overseas,
Last year in October, Japanese Study Group “BN2 (Beyond N2)” in KyoTomorrow Academy organized an autumn soybean (edamame) harvesting tour at Kyotamba. After harvesting the black soybeans that are local products in Kyotamba’s Takeno area, we went to see a traditional drumming (Wachi taiko) and puppet theater performances (Ningyo Joruri). Kyoto is well known for its traditional architecture, but this was a great chance to get to know more of Kyoto’s unknown wonders and traditions! Please read it and find out the charm of student’s life in Kyoto!
See: https://www.studykyoto.jp/en/magazine/2020/02/27/edamame-harvesting/