【Study Kyoto Magazine記事紹介】「故きを温ねて新しきを知る」留学生の清水焼窯元見学に密着!(KTA Company Visito Tour)~Warming up to the old and learning the new: International students visit one of Kyoto’s kiyomizu-yaki pottery kilns!~
*English follows Japanese
2019年8月にKyoTomorrow Academyで実施した「企業見学:訪問先 清水焼窯元 陶葊(とうあん)」の様子が留学生スタディ京都ネットワーク(Study Kyoto)のマガジン記事でも掲載されましたのでシェアします。英語版も掲載されていますので、ぜひご覧ください!
Dear International Students including students in overseas,
We got to take part in a tour of Touan Kiln, organized for international students by KyoTomorrow Academy in August 2019. We’ve come to the Touan kyo-yaki/kiyomizu-yaki pottery Kiln here in Sennyu-ji Temple in Kyoto’s Higashiyama District. The Kyoto international students made many discoveries with this traditional Kyoto craft, and learned about the future of Kyoto’s pottery, too. Read on to find out more about what this tour was like!
See: https://www.studykyoto.jp/en/magazine/2020/02/04/kiyomizu-pottery/