留学生スタディ京都ネットワーク(Study Kyoto:https://www.studykyoto.jp/ja/)では、より多くの人に「大学のまち・学生のまち京都」を知ってもらい、京都への留学を促進することを目的として、京都で学ぶ現役留学生による「京都留学生PRチーム」を運営しています。
Study Kyoto韓国人・ベトナム人留学生PRチームメンバー募集!
Study Kyoto (https://www.studykyoto.jp/en/) is running the “Kyoto Student Promotion Team” consisting of international students currently studying in Kyoto, with the aim to draw international attention to encourage more students from overseas to come and study in Kyoto.
Looking for:
◆International Student from Korea as well as from Vietnam to fill the vacant position in our team (hopefully from some time in March)
◆Application requirement: https://www.studykyoto.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ApplicationRequirement_VietnameseKorean-student.pdf
◆Application deadline: Monday, February 21st, 2022 ◆See more details: https://www.studykyoto.jp/ja/news/koreanvietnamese_member_prteam/