【9/21(金)開催】外国人留学生企業交流会~Companies Exchange Meeting for International Students, September 2018~


KyoTomorrow Academy共催企画「留学生企業交流会」が9/21(金)に開催されます。





(京都市下京区中堂寺南町134 京都リサーチパーク 東地区) 

Map: https://www.kpic.or.jp/njfumin/ryugakusei/event.html


第1部 セミナー

1.基調講演:「持続的成長を目指して ワコールのダイバーシティ推進 取組紹介
~多様性を組織の成果に繋げる~」株式会社ワコールホールディングス 松山かほり 氏



第2部 留学生と企業との交流会



■参加企業:京都オスカー認定企業等 15社予定(※チラシ参照)





メール counsel[at]kpic.or.jp  [at]→@


Dear International students who are interested in meeting employers from companies in Kyoto,

Hello, we would like to inform you about a special event, Companies Exchange Meeting for International Students on September 21 from 13:30.

15 companies in Kyoto will join the meeting and have opportunities for international students to exchange their ideas and thoughts about their job. You can get information about the job and companies have a chance to talk to employers during a group session. Please feel free to join the event with your friends!

Here is the schedule:

~Companies Exchange Meeting for International Students~

Date: September 21, Friday 13:30-17:30

Venue: 10th floor at Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO


Target: Mainly international students who will graduate in 2019-2021.(International students who are interested in companies in Kyoto are also welcome to join the event.)

Fee: FREE!

Companies: 15 companies in Kyoto (*see the flyer)

Register: https://www.kpic.or.jp/njfumin/ryugakusei/appli/

For further information on the event, see: https://www.kpic.or.jp/njfumin/ryugakusei/event.html

Contact information: E-mail (counsel@kpic.or.jp)

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!

Thank you. KyoTomorrow Academy
