~留学生と京都をつなぐ交流会Connecting International Students to Kyoto in 25th June, 2019~
*English follows Japanese
Hello, 70 international students joined this event, and 6 groups gave presentations about Kyoto’s festivals and local events. We really hope international students can get opportunities to communicate more with local Japanese people through joining these festivals. Many students seemed to be excited by these presentations, and thought over which festivals they would join this summer.
In the end of this event, KyoTomorrow Academy’s student supporters gave presentations about KyoTomorrow Academy, which is a community for international students. This community offers various activities, such as cultural programs, workshops with companies and Japanese lessons.
KTA support team’s going to join the local festival this autumn! Why don’t you join these festivals and KTA’s events?
★KTA Report by Chikako, KTA Support Staff★