KyoTommorrow Aacademy会員の皆様
(*English follows Japanese)
大学コンソーシアム京都 KyoTomorrow Academy事務局です。
※お問い合わせ:大学コンソーシアム京都 国際事業部
KyoTomorrow Academy事務局
Dear KTA members of 2018,
Hello, we would like to ask you about renewing your membership in next fiscal year.
We will have various events which related to employment, Japanese learning, and net-working in next fiscal year. At this time, we would like you to take the quick survey for us to continue your membership in 2019 by 28, February. Thank you for your cooperation.
~KTA Survey for renewing membership in 2019~
・Target: Current KTA member of 2018 (International Students)
・Purpose: Renewing membership in 2019, and quick survey about KTA program
・Deadline: 28th February, Thursday
・Attention: If you don’t submit the survey due date will result in suspended the KTA membership in next fiscal year, 2019. In that case you need to apply for KTA membership again in order to join our program.
・About Your Personal Information:
This survey will be used as a report to MEXT since KTA program and community funded by the project of MEXT. Your personal information will be protected and only be used for this community. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us via email.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our events in next fiscal year, too!
Thank you,
KyoTomorrow Academy