~KyotoTomorrow Academy, Orientation Event~
*English follows
KyoTomorrow Academyは、京都で学ぶ留学生の皆さんが参加できる、就職やキャリアを考えるためのコミュニティです。たとえば・・・他大学の留学生や企業の方との交流ができたり、日本語講座を無料で受けられたり、ビジネスマナーや就活スキルを知っる活動を行っています。明日のオリエンテーションイベントでは、KTAの今後の活動紹介やミニワークショップをした後、皆で「おにぎり」を作ります。たくさんの留学生のご参加をお待ちしています!
■日時:2018年5月29日(火) 18:30~20:30
■場所:キャンパスプラザ京都5階 第2共同研究室
Dear International students who are interested in KyoTomorrow Academy,
KyoTomorrow Academy is a community for international students in Kyoto to think of your future career through lots of exciting activities! For examples, you can meet other international students from different universities in Kyoto. Also, you can improve your Japanese speaking skills through free lessons. We would like to inform you about the orientation event tomorrow, Tuesday May 29th from 18:30. We will explain about our community and upcoming events through a mini workshop. After the workshop, we will try to make a rice ball and eat together!!
Here is the schedule:
KyoTomorrow Academy Orientation Event
Date &Time: Tomorrow, 29 May, Tuesday 18:30-20:30
Venue: Joint Research Laboratory of 5th Floor, at Campus Plaza
Application form of this event: https://goo.gl/forms/NC1tcgVbI8fnwWeq1
You can join our event at any time! We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!! Thank you.