私たちは、現在のウクライナ情勢を目の当たりにし、人々の生活や豊かな文化、そしてかけがえのない命までもが危機にさらされている事態を深く憂慮しています。一刻も早く人々の安全が確保され平穏な日常が戻るよう、平和的解決を 強く望みます。
理事長 黒坂 光
京都府知事 西脇 隆俊
京都市長 門川 大作
Joint Statement on the Situation in Ukraine
We, the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto, express our deep distress and most profound concern about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, where its people’s livelihoods, rich culture and irreplaceable lives are at stake. We strongly hope that a peaceful solution will be achieved and that security and peace will be brought back to the people affected as soon as possible.
Since there are many universities and colleges in Kyoto, the city is known as a “University Town” where students from all over the world study together and learn from each other. As an intercollegiate collaborative organization, we will continue to fulfill our role and to support each other to provide an environment where international students from Ukraine and Russia can pursue their education and research activities in Kyoto with peace of mind.
March 17th, 2022
The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto
(On behalf of 47 universities and colleges)
Akira KUROSAKA, Board Chairman
Takatoshi NISHIWAKI, Governor of Kyoto Prefecture
Daisaku KADOKAWA, Mayor of Kyoto