Here you will find information related to your life as a foreign student in Kyoto.
With this information you will be able to confidently begin your new life in Japan.
Let's understand the process leading up to studying abroad.
≫Confirm the process up until studying abroad
In the case of a student dorm, confirm if you may move in upon arrival. If it will take time before your home in decided, you must secure temporary housing.
»Click to see the details
After studying abroad is decided, and you have received permission, you must obtain an entry VISA.
An a international student, please apply for a "student" VISA.
≫See details
A guide on how to get to Kyoto after your arrival in Japan is provided here.
»Click here to see details on how to get to Kyoto
There are many types of dwellings. Let's find the home that best fits your needs.
There are many ways to search such as accepting the school's recommendations, going to a realtor, and searching on the internet.
»Housing Types
»Finding Housing and Move-in Procedures
The main form of taxes paid by international students is consumption tax. For those who work part-time, year-end adjustment needs to be carried out as well, so check with your workplace if necessary.
A “Part-time Work Permit” is required to take up part-time work. There are many ways to look for part-time jobs, including referrals by the university and searching on the Internet etc.
Managing finances is a top concern for many intern […]
Study Kyoto
If Kyoto is famous for anything, it’s the hundre […]
Study Kyoto
In a city as historic and beautiful as Kyoto, you’ […]
Study Kyoto
Famous for its sightseeing locales and cultural he […]
Study Kyoto